Friday, July 4, 2008

Seven signs of the coming of Christ

1. Religious
a. Lukewarm church -- [Rev. 3:14-21]
b. The great Apostasy [Matt. 24:12]
c. Revival of the counterfeit [1 Tim 4:1]
d. One world religion [Rev. 13 & 17]
e. Last days revival [Matt. 24:14 and Joel 2:28-30]

2. Physical
a. Wars, Pestilence, Famines and Earthquakes [Matt. 24:7]

3. Political
a. Distress of nations [Luke 21:25]
b. Perplexity
c. Sea and waves roar
d. Takeover by the Anti-christ

4. Economic
a. Rise of billionaires [James 5:3]
b. Economy unstable
c. Disaster looming for world economy [Rev. 6:6]
d. One world economy [Rev. 13:16-17]

5. Intellectual [Dan. 12:4]
a. The time of the end
b. Travel to and fro seeking answers
c. Increase of knowledge

6. Jewish [Hosea 3:4-5, Luke 21:24]
a. Regathered before the tribulation [Jer. 16:14-15]

7. Moral
a. [2 Tim. 3:1-6]
b. [2 Peter 3:9-15]

Biblical prophecy and the end times

Remember to look up the Rapture in 2Thess chapter 8. Also begin to read Daniel and Revalation concerning the Bibles prophecies about what will happen in the last days. We are in a time when many of these prophetic scriptures seem to be coming to pass. The movie we have been watching in Sunday School is "Left Behind 1" based on the books by Tim LeHaye. While these books are a work of fiction based on characters the author created the biblical references used to signify the events happening in the movie are very accurate. Look them up for yourself if you don't believe what the movie says. It is important to be aware of what is happening around you in the world. Now is the time to take your walk with Christ seriously and stop playing church. Do you want to be the one LEFT BEHIND?????